Week 15 | April 14, 2023

Today’s estimated read time is 5.5 minutes for all three sections



From the valley floor to the top of Sky Pilot in less than a minute…

That is how quickly a Heli-assisted drop can get you to a summit.

Or maybe you prefer the accents… carefully picking your route to the summit. Giving you the time and perspective to study the best way down.

I know lots of people in the Sea to Sky community do these things all on their own…

But I want a guide. 

I need someone to show me the amazing places to go… AND where it is SAFE to go. 

Even if you currently do these activities on your own, I will bet you the experience provided by Altus Mountain Guides will legitimately blow your mind.

Ross Berg is the founder and co-owner/operator of this incredible Squamish-based business. He and his team of guides have been providing all-time mountain adventures throughout the Sea to Sky corridor since 2012.

They offer these expeditions and services all year round (not just throughout the snow-sliding months).

Their guided tours take you (very safely) to some of the most remote and beautiful backcountry locations our community has to offer.

Whether you are ski/snowboard touring, rock climbing, or multi-day alpine adventuring… Ross and his crew have you covered.

The Altus team of guides is comprised of fully-certified ACMG and IFMGA Guides. Not only are they qualified and professional… they love where we live just as much as all of us. (maybe even more)

And as if they didn’t already know all the super-sweet secret spots to take us… Ross has now started Phantom Heli Skiing.

Thats right. He’s taking on the “big boys” down the road at Vail, providing world-class Heli and guiding expeditions without corporate help. (or corporate hand-cuffs)

I’ve spoken with one of the pilots and he shared with me that Ross is always willing to go that much further to find the best snow. 

With over 247,000 acres of backcountry playground to choose from… you’re in for a magical experience.

He’ll go deeper in search of the best terrain and provide a more exciting adventure than you might have with the other established Heli operations. 

All of this while keeping his clients safe and super excited to come back for more.

Bouncing out of Squamish or Whistler you can have a Heli-assisted ski touring day with any one of the amazing Altus Mountain Guides. 

Don’t feel like walking uphill for any of it? Then sign up for a full day of Heli-skiing in the untracked backcountry surrounding our hometown. 

There are also spring/summer/fall Heli-hiking and guided tour expeditions. And you can bet that the mountain-top picnic flights are going to be a huge success too.

Check out both of Ross’s businesses with the links below

>>> Click here for Altus Mountain Guides

>>> Click here for Phantom Heli

There is also a very good chance that if and when you go on an adventure with Ross or any of his crew… you’ll be enjoying the views while eating a Peak Provisions packed lunch as the meal provided on your excursion that day.

I’m so pumped Ross has chosen to work with the Peak Provision team and me. 

But I’m genuinely happy I get to call him my friend. To me, he is the epitome of our Squamish lifestyle and a staple of our community.



Imagine enjoying French haute-cuisine in the picturesque BC backcountry… 

A charcuterie board with a selection of fine meats and comté while you sit at 2500+ feet above sea level taking in the breathtaking views.

(Comté is a French fancy word for cheese btw… I figured it went well with the whole haute-cuisine thing)

We’ve created a selection of meats and comté that are vacpac’d and sealed on a beautiful charcuterie board.

Peak Packs can safely travel on your sled, in any bag or backpack while you’re touring, mountain biking, hiking or any other type of adventuring that I might be missing.

We figured it was time to class it up a touch on your next outdoor adventure and save the granola bars and trail mix for backup.  

You can pick them up at our store the night before (or the day of) your next backcountry excursion. These will be ever-evolving - there are currently 5 options ranging in price from $29 - $65 per pack.

When you come in to pick up your pack, be sure to grab a fresh baguette and check out our selections of tinned seafood, wine, beer and other “haute-cuisine” items to class up your next outdoor dining experience.

We can also do custom Peak Packs specifically for your group, catering to your requests. 

For custom orders please call us at +1 (778) 266-2176 or email at info@peakprovisionsgrocer.com



Breakfast wraps are some of the best eats to take down before a big day of adventuring.

Honestly… they are an amazing item to take down any morning or afternoon when you’re hungry.

Peak Provisions has a very delicious breakfast wrap that has quickly become a favourite of our regulars (and those who’ve stumbled upon it naturally).

We want everyone to know we aren’t just an amazing lunchtime and happy-hour spot… our petit déjeuner est magnifique (that’s French for ‘our breakfast kicks-a**!’)


  • Flour tortilla 

  • Cumin-seasoned & roasted potatoes

  • Roasted red peppers

  • Sautéed onions and spinach

  • Scrambled eggs 

  • Parmesan cheese 

  • Peak’s special Vegan-ish sauce

I know… you’re already asking “What the hell is Vegan-ish sauce!?”

It's our special sauce that was ALMOST vegan… then I added sour cream and it tasted amazing. So now it’s Vegan-ish.

And what goes best with any breakfast… COFFEE.

I am so happy to share that Peak Provisions has been carrying (and serving) Counterpart Coffee since we opened.

I was really bummed when I heard they were closing their shop here in town. That is why I jumped at the opportunity to provide their locally roasted beans for all of us to enjoy.

It is so important for me to work with local producers who are striving for the kind of community growth I believe in. Helping raise each other up and showcasing what the talented peeps of our hometown are getting up to.

And Counterpart’s coffee is delicious. Full stop.

So come in and saddle up to the bar soon. 

Share some stories, meet new people and enjoy delicious locally sourced food and drink.

We’ll be here waiting for ya.


Martha McAvity


Week 16 | April 21, 2023